#BSUGotTalent- Meet Ijen Randy "A Blogger/Musician" - Benue State University Gist

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Monday, 7 August 2017

#BSUGotTalent- Meet Ijen Randy "A Blogger/Musician"

We welcome you to another session of Benue State University Got Talent, a platform where talented individuals are placed on the Spotlight.
Our guest this week is a Blogger who is also a Musician…

Who is Maps???

Maps it’s an abbreviation for Music And Programming Star, Others say Moving Africa Properly Somewhere.

I am Ijen Gandeoron Randy by name. A 200 level student of BSUM, currently studying computer science. Am a proud Benue born, from a family of seven(7) and the sixth (6th) born. I love hanging around people who make good use of their talents instead of believing education is all.

Life as a Blogger and Musician how do you balance it???

My blog hmmm, my motive blogging is different and am all about supporting upcoming artist who really gat it. So doing that with my music just works smoothly and am cool with that. Though my issue in music is when the producer is not giving you your own inspiration after the long hustle.

Have you ever considered dropping out of school to purse your career in music, if yes …why?

Dropping....  Yah.

Dad said i was possessed, but i guess Music possessed me. I just want to finish school that’s all, after which am taking massive action with my musical career.

What do you think is your purpose in Life???

I think my purpose is to put smiles on people’s faces with all i have..

What has been your most embarrassing moment in Life?

My embarrassing moment…I won’t call it embarrassing tho, but say i was not prepared or kinda like it wasn’t  not my time. During the Project Fame Season 8 Abuja Auditions when I was performing and the  audience were not showing me love. But all that makes me work harder. I thank God for that experience.

Tell us 3 things we don't know about you.

3 things....

 I have tried Voice Off The Street by Maddragon.

Also GSSS organized by Johniks.

 Am not in the Choir also am single *smiles*

What your favorite quote?

Favorite quote..  Pay Now Play Later

Who is your role model and why is she/he your model?

Model?  Ok . I dont know how it will sound, but am my own row model.

Which Nigerian Artist would you pick for a feature if given the opportunity?

Honestly I would love to show my boss Kiss Daniel aka Vado dt he is playing.... ‘Wetin him dey do na play Cus i love most of his sounds…’

Is your family in support of you being a musician?

Support... They have an idea because of the stunt i pulled sometimes back during project fame. But the answer is, right now its No. because they want me to finish School and for me it’s like d talent will consume me if i don’t let it out... am on fire!!!

Where do you draw your Inspirations from?

My inspirations come from many angles.

 firstly God as well as  the kind of music I listen to also my surroundings too. Sometimes i sing Yoruba melodies, even though i don’t know what am saying. but Someone say i need to find out, that it’s not ordinary.

What do you think makes your music different from others

My  voice, which gives me a sound, and i make sure someone could relate to my lyrics, by making it catchy and simple but DEEP. Above all it depends on my message.

What would you change about yourself if given the opportunity?

Changing Me… No!!!. I know God has perfectly made me the way i am, so am ok and 100%

Any challenge so far?

My challenge is sourcing funds to put out my good music, since i know we have amazing producers here and nothing good comes cheap.

Give 3 shoutOuts!

My shout outs goes to First my fans, those who believed in me…Who keep telling me am good, even when i say am still working.

Secondly.. Jery Kator Aorga Someone who saw me performed at GSSS and decided to support my efforts. Thank You Sir.

Lastly Johniks, Maddragon and Project Fame, and those have invited to their shows.. And not forgetting, God Almighty the one who gave Maps all he has. and my Parents.

Big thanks to BSUGIST and BSUGotTalent for this opportunity. God bless u all


Facebook- Trigah Cool

Twitter- @trigah_official

Instagram- @ mapstyles

Web-blog – ‘www.trigah.com.ng’

Don’t miss out on our next week’s Episode…

Email us: bsugist@gmail.com to participate.

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