#BSUGotTalent - Meet Christiana Eloyi Ochohi "A Blogger/Model" - Benue State University Gist

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Monday 8 August 2016

#BSUGotTalent - Meet Christiana Eloyi Ochohi "A Blogger/Model"

Welcome to another edition of BSU Got Talents, where we bring out the most Talented Students in BSUM to limelight.

This week we present you Tyana, A female Blogger who is also a Model, Read full Interview Session below...

May we get to know you Ma?
My name is Christiana Eloyi Ochohi (Tyana). A Final year political science student from Benue State University, Makurdi. A Model and a Blogger.

Tell us more about your blog?
Tyanas blog is a unique kind of blog where we share life experiences, life lessons, true life stories, interactive questions and also motivational words.

why blogging? And not something else?
I have always loved to be different, always loved to think outside the box and so i saw blogging as a medium to touch and help people with their issues and unlike other blogs i want my blog to be a place where we all can help and also learn from each other as well.

Apart from blogging and School, what else are you into?
Modelling for now but I plan to learn an Entrepreneurship skill some time soon.

So for how long have you been blogging?
A year and 2 weeks if i guessed correctly.

Tell us about your most challenging moment as a blogger?
My most challenging moment, well I would say that is yet to come but for now it would be getting my blog stories and getting audience (readers) but I believe God has great plans for the blog.

Check out Tyana's blog via:

What/Who has been your major source of motivation?
My family, my friends and the believe i have in my self.

How do you strike a balance between your Academics, Modeling and Blogging?
To be honest it is a lot of work, because I have never welcomed failure in anything i do i always give it my best. (Tips) Plan in advance -i have a book where i write down every single idea, in fact I have a book for everything I also use the note pad on my phone. It keeps me organized.

What top 3 blog sites do you visit for inspiration?

Describe your self in 3 words.

Who's your role model?
My mom.

Check out Tyana's blog via:

Recently  you celebrated you one year anniversary, so tell us how has the struggle been and what should your follower be expecting from Tyana's Blog?
my one year blogging experience has been really interesting and educative, I have learnt a lot, met and helped people and I love it. My followers should expect loads of interesting activities on the blog.

For students out there who would like to venture into the blogging career what advise do you have for them?
It is not an easy road, which ever type of blog you plan to start it's not easy, but believe in yourself first, consistency and most especially God, then every other thing will fall in place.

Anything else you'd like to say?
Believe in yourself, don't let anyone be you, set your standard high and the sky would be your starting point.

Connect with Tyana via:
Twitter -@its_tyana.
Instagram -@tyanaluv @tyanasblog. Snapchat -tyanaluv.

Check out her blog via:

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