How to make your part-time master's degree worthwhile - Benue State University Gist

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Monday 6 June 2016

How to make your part-time master's degree worthwhile

part-time master’s degrees are underestimated easily and often. Dr Matthew Higgins, co-chair of the flexible and distance learning group at the University of Leicester, says it’s common for part-time students to experience self-doubt as they juggle their coursework with other undertakings. “Getting out of bed while your partner is still fast asleep to sit at your computer and work on an assignment requires more than a strong coffee.”

Because of this, Dr Higgins says, the most successful part-time postgrads are those with drive and a clear aim. This might be something tangible, such as a promotion or a new job, or a personal desire to prove yourself. So if you’re considering a part-time postgrad, how can you remain motivated, choose the right course, and get the most out of your second degree?

Consider the course structure
There are several ways to study a master’s part-time, including evening classes and distance learning. Before choosing your course, it’s worth finding out which universities are experienced in supporting students who are combining study with work. Some institutions will be better equipped than others, while staff might better understand the pressures facing part-time students.

Some universities, such as Birkbeck University or the Open University (OU),specialise in part-time and distance programmes. This was the only viable option for Rebecca Singleton, a single mother who took a distance master’s in literature at the OU while looking after her daughter and her terminally ill father. She says taking the opportunity to study has given her “immense self-confidence”.

Know your limits
Higgins says that master’s applicants too often underestimate the time they spend on existing commitments – whether these involve work, family or friends – while overestimating their available time to study. Any master’s degree requires students to immerse themselves intellectually within their chosen field, but overstretching is a risk for part-timers.
Take Rory McAteer, who studies a part-time master’s in film and literature at the University of York. He was initially optimistic that he could hold down two jobs – one at Sainsbury’s, another on campus – while studying. But midway through his first term he was soon burnt out by his work regime. “I found my studies fell by the wayside,” he says. “You just get too tired if you’re doing that much. It’s important to be careful with how much work you take on.”
Set aside specific times to study every week, even if this means sacrificing your only days off, Higgins says. Tomasz Smyk, who recently graduated with an MSc in international management from Birkbeck University, spent every weekend at the library. His daily, eight-hour study routine “wasn’t too difficult”, he says, because he approached his course with a clear sense of purpose. “I came here to get more than just a diploma, I came to get something for myself.”

Use web resources
Some courses are specifically designed to study using online tools, while others may be focused on group seminars. In any case, says Professor David Rowland, director of taught postgraduate at the OU, students should consult their subject librarians about online journals and digital archives. Universities also tend to offer tutorials or workshops on their online resources.

Dr Rowland adds that part-time students can also get peer support from social media. Online tutorials, study groups, Facebook, Twitter, and student associations can be treated as a “ready-made support network”.

But don’t worry if you lack the know-how or an internet connection. “Some of my students don’t have regular access to the internet due to living or working in remote areas,” says Higgins. “It’s about selecting a course which fits your situation and understanding how the course support is arranged.”

Take your classmates out for coffee
It could be worth taking into account whether your institution takes on many other part-time students. Rory MacAteer admits that there is a certain camaraderie among full-timers that you may miss out on as a part-time student. However, he still manages to socialise with his coursemates outside of class. “Being part-time doesn’t mean you have to be isolated.”

If you don’t have the leisure to meet up with your colleagues for informal study sessions, consider how much contact with tutors and other students you’ll have in the seminar room. Luke Thurogood, who studies a part-time master’s in creative writing at Edge Hill University, enjoys the fact that his course is largely communal as it is structured around weekly workshops. “The make-up of the course itself allows for the opportunity to interact more,” he says.

And do the reading, obviously
The more you contribute to class discussions, the more you’ll get out of them. Contact time with tutors is precious, Dr Higgins advises, so attend every class with a plan of what you wish to discuss. “Don’t go into meetings with a tutor and expect to be spoon-fed. To be an independent learner you need tutors who are critical friends, helping you to improve and develop.”

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